"The Times of My Life" Hella Kruedener-Hess

Autobiography of Hella Kruedener-Hess, covering 50 years of her life, from a Oleri manor in Latvia, through displacement during two world wars, and finally to seek refuge on an island in Ontario, Canada.

"Jagd im Baltikum" Edgar Baron Kruedener

"Jagd im Baltikum" Edgar Baron Kruedener


Oleri lake


The old people of Oleri tell that the baron's daughter fell in love with the estate stoker, who in his turn made a drawing of the beautiful girl on the wall of the manor basement at the furnaces. The baron did not recognize this love. The baron's daughter and the young servant drowned themselves in the lake. So the baron ordered to drain up the lake and promised that in a few years instead of the lake there would be a huge rose garden


The Black lady ...

The Runestone of Oleri by Juris Talivaldis Urtans

In 2019, it was 150 years since the occasion that evoked vivid discussions and interest in communities in Tarbatu and Riga took place. In the meeting of the Estonian Scientific Society on 8 October 1869, the new finding in Oleri Manor or ambit of Ohlershof was mentioned for the first time – a discovery of a stone with a rune script on it.